Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pregnancy and Birth - May 13, 2013

The new addition to our family - Finn Cooper Daubenberger
Our adventures prior to Finn's birth are documented in our blog  Now after a year of adventures at sea in the Bahamas and beyond on our 32-foot sailboat we are turning domestic....

While road-tripping home from Florida, after selling Tanqueray, we found out we were pregnant on our 1-year anniversary.  We were in Las Vegas at the time.  Go figure.  We locked ourselves in our hotel room, afraid to breath any second-hand smoke, which casino's are full of, and "enjoyed" the chic flick, "What to Expect When You're Expecting", which we do not recommend to anyone who is expecting or not expecting.
And I thought my belly was BIG here!
Now fast-forward 9-months and our lives turned upside down and sideways when our healthy, beautiful baby boy Finn arrived.  This is his blog is for all of Finn's fan's out there, which he already has many in the family being the first grandchild on both sides.  It's a place where his photos and stories can be posted without looking like the obsessive parents we are on Facebook.

Pregnancy glamour shot
Finn told me his goal with this blog is to out-do his parents "Tanqueray" blog with his own adventure, stories and cute photos, already a competitive little boy!  But he will give us a run for our money with the pictures!
7 months pregnant!
Our last "Big Trip" as a single couple and life as we knew it, we took a baby-moon to Oahu, Hawaii when I was 32-weeks pregnant!  Airlines don't let you fly after 35-weeks, and now I know why this is, after going through the birthing process - labor is painful, to say the least.

Oahu Hawaii
Mother's day was the day before Finn was born and Mike decided to take me on an epic 7-mile walk through Portland this day.  We're not sure, but this may have spurred the onset of labor that evening.  That night we had Thai food at our neighborhood restaurant and walked to a friends house and Mike sampled cocktails for their new bar (luckily he did not have too many), knowing what I know now, you DO NOT want a drunk husband as your labor coach!  Labor lasts a long-time and changes everything!  My husband was more than I could have asked for in a birth coach, husband and father that day.
Last day of being pregnant walking on Sauvie Island.
Finn Cooper Daubenberger was born at 5:08pm on May 13th, 2013 weighing 8 pounds 12 oz. at Sunnyside Hospital in Clackamas with the help of our Midwife Debra Goldstein and our 2 doulas Trish and Jenn.  It was an 18-hour labor starting the night prior around midnight.  We arrived at the hospital at 7am and like they show in the movies it was the longest 20-minute drive of my life (and Mike's)!

Minutes after birth
Finn was born on my Grandpa Don's birthday (my mom's dad) and my sister Christina's birthday.  That's where his middle name Cooper came from, my grandpa's last name.  And with a last name like Daubenberger, we decided to keep his first name short, choosing Finn, over Finnegan.
Day 1 - a perfect baby boy - Finn!!!